BL TAC Marketplace
Available through BL TAC Marketplace, we offer you a wide choice of products sold directly by our Trusted Sellers. Now you’ll have an even greater choice in one place.
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Frequently asked questions
Unfortunately, we do not offer local pick-up for BL TAC Marketplace products from our Brisbane warehouse. BL TAC Marketplace products are sold online and delivered directly to customers by the third-party Trusted Sellers that we have partnered with.
Yes, discount codes and sales will apply to all items sold on BL TAC Marketplace.
Orders From BL TAC Marketplace can be tracked the same way as any order from us using our online tracking page. If your order contains items from our Brisbane warehouse and from BL TAC Marketplace it will show as two separate orders with their own tracking details.
You may receive multiple parcels if you order different BL TAC Marketplace items from different Trusted Sellers. This is because BL TAC Marketplace products are sold and delivered by third-party Trusted Sellers and these products may be dispatched from multiple locations.
One great part of BL TAC Marketplace is that you don't have to contact individual Trusted Sellers if you have a problem with an order. All order enquiries will be through our customer support team and you can use our online contact form to submit enquiries about any product on the BL TAC Marketplace.
Yes, as with discount codes and sales discounts, gift card codes will also apply to any BL TAC Marketplace products.